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Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology: A Practitioner's Guide, by Kathryn A. Gill
Free Ebook Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology: A Practitioner's Guide, by Kathryn A. Gill
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This new full-color textbook is a unique and powerful resource with an engaging clarity of purpose: To teach clinical ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology. Colorful, wonderfully written, exceptionally illustrated, lovely to browse, and authoritative all at once, it is created by and for practitioners of clinical sonography. Sonographers in training and those who teach them will find superbly illustrated and clearly written how-to instruction with dozens of features that make learning easy and yes! fun. Registry candidates preparing for their exam in obstetrics and gynecology will find the ARDMS exam topics covered and explained in full and colorful detail. Veteran sonographers and department managers will discover a versatile clinical reference full of facts, tips, explanations, protocols, standard measurements, diagnostic images, and 15 hours of available SDMS-approved CME credit that more than one person may apply for.
There are 1,234 illustrations and sonograms demonstrate clinical anatomy, patient positions, scanning techniques, normal and abnormal findings, and key principles.
Color boxes and tables provide and reinforce key information at a glance risk factors, teratogens, indications, lab values, differential diagnoses, sonographic findings, diagnostic criteria, normal and abnormal measurements, anomalies, related conditions, and clinical pearls and secrets.
End-of-chapter Scanning Tips and Pitfalls explain common situations and errors to avoid.
End-of-chapter Self-Assessment Questions focus and guide your study. Answers with clear explanations appear in an appendix to the book.
Standard measurements, calculations, and reference data appear in an appendix containing 44 tables for fast access. Current AIUM guidelines and samples of clinical data sheets are published in an appendix to the book.
An extensive glossary defines more than 1000 terms commonly encountered in ob/gyn sonography.
- Sales Rank: #1007824 in Books
- Published on: 2013-09-15
- Original language: English
- Binding: Hardcover
- 649 pages
About the Author
Kathy Gill is Program Director of the Institute of Ultrasound Diagnostics in Spanish Fort, Alabama, a clinical sonographer with more than 30 years of experience in abdomen and obstetrics and gynecology, a Fellow of the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, and an author and teacher whose work resonates with readers, students, and veteran sonographers alike.
Contributors include:
George Bega, MD;
Pamela M. Foy, MS, RDMS, FSDMS;
George Koulianos, MD, FACOG;
Daniel A. Merton, BS, RDMS, FSDMS, FAIUM;
Bryan T. Oshiro, MD;
Joe Rodriguez, RT, RDMS; and
Misty Sliman, BS, RT(R)(S), RDMS.
Most helpful customer reviews
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
challenging and very comprehensive
By Lacey Jamison
I purchased this book for ultrasound school at the Institute of Ultrasound Diagnostics which is the place at which Kathy Gill (the author of this book) teaches. This book has been absolutely wonderful. It is very comprehensive and thorough. This book is great for beginners and experienced sonographers. My father is ARDMS registered, a member of the SDMS, and he has 20 plus years experience in ultrasound. He has stated that this text exceeds Mosby's comprehensive Diagnostic Ultrasound text. I have to agree with him. This book has very valuable pictures and diagrams with very detailed captions. It also has self- assessment exercises at the end of each chapter and a very extensive glossary in the back. This book includes sample clinical data sheets and AIUM guidlines and standards. I highly reccommend this book and hope that this review is helpful and encourages more purchases. This text is definitely worth the money!
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Simple defined GYN/OB Ultrasound book!
By kristene
I am also a student at IUD. I am 7 months into the program. We are currently in the fetal anomalies section of this book. There are many fetal abnormalities that can happen. Kathy Gill explains in such a way that any new sonographer can understand. My favorite feature is the charts. All of the main parts are usually depicted in a list format. Also, at the end of each chapter, Kathy always gives out scan tips for beginners!
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Great OB/GYN Ultrasound Textbook
By Brittnie Harbuck
This book is very well written and easy to understand! I would recommended to everyone. It has good comprehensive questions after each chapter and plenty of images so you see the sonographic features.
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